Steve Dennis is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Montgomery County, Texas.
Specializations Include
Whether you’re charged with DWI in The Woodlands, Conroe, or anywhere in Montgomery County, get the best criminal defense attorney on your side.
Here's HowPossession of Drugs
If you’ve been accused of possession of drugs, including marijuana, methamphetamines, or cocaine in Montgomery County, contact Steve Dennis today.
We Can HelpAssault or Domestic Violence
An assault conviction brings can mean up to a $4,000 in fines and 1 year in jail. Get an experienced Montgomery County criminal defense lawyer working for you.
What We Can DoMotion to Revoke Probation
A Motion to Revoke Probation or a Motion to Adjudicate (if on Deferred Adjudication) does not always result in jail time. As a person on probation, you are entitled to a hearing in front of a Judge to determine if you have violated your probation. Steve Dennis can help you get a free copy of your probation violations.
You Have OptionsTheft, Hot Checks, Fraud
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been accused of writing a hot check or shoplifting, a theft conviction will stay on your record forever. Call Steve Dennis today to make sure you have a solid defense.
Learn MoreDriving with a Suspended License
As a defense attorney, Steve Dennis has helped many people not only get their cases dismissed, he has cooperated with the Texas DPS to fix their license problems. This gets you back on the road to driving legally again and avoids another DWLS arrest.
Discuss My CaseBWI
Have you been arrested for or charged with a boating while intoxicated (BWI) on Lake Conroe or elsewhere? Steve Dennis has the legal experience and expertise to fight for you.
Here's HowGeneral Crime
If you have been arrested for or charged with a crime, you need a defense attorney who has the experience and expertise to fight for you.
Discuss My Case